Andreas Eracleous

Creating Checkout Progress Bar With HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery

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In this post, I made a Checkout Progress Bar without images just few lines of code of HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery . Progress Bar is helpful on a website when you want the user to follow a specific order of steps until to complete all of them. The main goal of a Progress Bar  is to show you where you are in the entire process and what steps you’ve already completed. Usually a Checkout Progress Bar   you can see it when you are going to buy some products on a eCommerce store like Amazon, eBay and so on. Few common steps are following:

  1. Your Basket

  2. Delivery & payment

  3. Review & Comfirm

  4. All Done

  5. Access

  6. Billing

  7. Delivery Address

  8. Delivery Method

  9. Payment

  10. Confirm Order

See the Pen Checkout Progress Bar by Andreas Eracleous ( @Sp00ky ) on CodePen .