DevBlog is a modern, stylish Tailwind CSS template for use as a personal or for multi-purpose purposes blog theme powered by React and GatsbyJS v5 and packed with various components.
A blog theme developed in Gatsby including data sources File System Markdown files with MDX support.
Essential service such as, MailerLite newsletter provider, Google Analytics and Netlify Form are also integrated into the theme.
Easily modify any page or component in the template.
The final product is a blazing fast and SEO friendly static site that you can upload to modern hosting providers such as Netlify, Vercel, Github or traditional hosting services.
This product is 100% responsive and perfect for any device size.
Pre-made Gatsby Pages
- Homepage
- Templates page
- Courses page
- About page
- Contact form page
- Tag list page
- 404 page
- Tailwind CSS
- Dark Mode
- SEO Friendly
- SEO Meta Tags
- tags
- Twitter Cards tags
- Pagination
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Progressive Web App (PWA)
- Adaptive Images
- Optimizing for Production
- Automatic remove unused CSS
- Automatic optimization of images in Markdown posts
- Support Tags page
- Favicon & Web App Manifest
- Google Analytics
- Sitemap
- RSS feed
- Mailerlite newsletter provider
- Formspree, Getform or Netlify email capture
Fonts used:
- Roboto Font
I really hope you find this useful.